Feelin’ Jazzy

AHM BACK!!! I’ve barely survived the terrors of Hawaii!!!! There were many adrenaline pumping challenges such as staying behind the red rope to observe a huge lazy sea turtle lounging on the beach like a fat ass, trying not to hyperventilate while snorkeling in shallow water, and pushing the limits on how much food I can consume before bursting. Safe to say, I passed all these tests. OH! Also, cage diving with sharks, there was that too…

THEN I had to go straight to Lightning in a Bottle with Summer on important business that involved dancing in ill fitting boots til my feet were covered in delightful blisters!

Surprisingly, the real world is not as fun as Hawaii or LiB (who’da thunk?!) so I needed to ease back in and there really isn’t anything as perfect as EmiljoAC Acidation bustin out with some relaxing chill vibes, piano notes, echoey vocals and I think there’s a sexy saxophone dabbling around in there.. Def had me smiling at closing my eyes but at 2.54 it picks up a notch and just grabs you while keepin it mellow.  Perfecion!!!


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