Gladkillin’ It June 13, 2014Summer 2 CommentsGladkill’s fun new album is definitely killin’ it. Sparkly beeps which I love, claps and wind chimes in Ether, I totally forgot about wind chimes. This ep is slow and trappy definitely has a different sound that his more housy tracks from earlier in the year. there’s so much good music going on this weekend in LA including his album release party tonight at Park Plaza Hotel with a few other great Oakland and LA artists Sik Van Dyke, DAILON, Noncoding, Penthouse, Beshken I will probably be dancing for 48 hours straight, yeayuh! EP, FutureBass, MixtapeAcolades, Beshken, DAILON, Dreamster, FutureBass, Gladkill, Noncoding, Oakland, Park Plaza Hotel, Penthouse, Sik Van DykeShare : Tweet