magbo system

Daily Daydreams

Just about a year ago I saw this fella, Popeska, was playing at Avalon’s: Control. I checked his shit out and was blown away.. it was so hard, catchy, and well executed.  I had a feeling this guy was only going to excel, and I still believe that.

SUPER stoked to be a fan of his noise now especially because he’s giving away a free song every single day this month.  Judging from this song, I am just dying to eat up e’ery damn song e’ery damn day  and it’s only day 2. July is now my fav month.   What I love about this song is the drifting beginning, beautiful vocals, steady beat and breaks.  Aptly named: Daydream, this song will take you away.


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natural disaster

This beautiful melodic flute and mandolin plucking is perfectly juxtaposed by the low, yet up lifting rumbling bass line in Runaway featuring Maryann. So pretty, it’s hard to call it by Ratchet, but not hard to believe that it’s from the Simplify recordings repertoire, damn fine tunes. This track sounds simple at first blush, but listen closely; it’s delightfully intricate. It starts of like snakes and cicadas on a scorching hot day. An interesting high sound at .22 like an electric violin merged with steel drums replaces what might have been beeps in a more average track. I’m always impressed with innovative uses of cranks and growls, so the sputtering, cranking that morphs into a growly laser at 2.04 is really cool. I love the repetitive low “with” high “Me!” wiME! wiMe! wiME! They warped the vocals into a whirling, swarming effect that swoops in strongest at 1.29 before the beat drops in like the eye of the storm. Doesn’t running away sound like so much fun…



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