magbo system

Champagne Drip

I am absolutely loving this new music from Champagne Drip. It’s sparkling, bubbly, the dopest drank you eva drunk! Fun sound FX paired with some interesting panning that feels like a brain massage if you listen with headphones. I can’t get enough of the unique samples used (especially the Talking Heads, love!) and the upbeat vacationing vibe that the beats are bringing. Someone get me to an island on a beach quick, so I can lay in the sun, sip on a coconut and wait for what’s next from Champagne Drip.

Champagne Drip

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Hot hot hot!!


Song is aptly named I must say. This “wavey” vibe makes me think of heat rising off a scorching sand dune. Maybe because this song is so HOT! (GET IT?!?!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!)  Definitely traveling through a desert town to this one… maybe some harem girls dancing, fire spinning, a giant cobra just chillin on a huge satin pillow.

I love the combo of different cultural sounds with trap and sexy sultry bass popped with some perfectly positioned snaps. I’m gettin on my magic carpet…

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