magbo system

Gladkillin’ It

Gladkill’s fun new album is definitely killin’ it. Sparkly beeps which I love, claps and wind chimes in Ether, I totally forgot about wind chimes. This ep is slow and trappy definitely has a different sound that his more housy tracks from earlier in the year. there’s so much good music going on this weekend in LA including his album release party tonight at Park Plaza Hotel with a few other great Oakland and LA artists Sik Van Dyke, DAILON, Noncoding, Penthouse, Beshken I will probably be dancing for 48 hours straight, yeayuh!


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Spect this

Fractal has a Seven Lions vibe going on now, which couldn’t make me happier. I love the variety in their layering and the way their higher register sounds offset their hard hitting bass and beats. Some of their more chill tracks are out of this world. They’re doing a set at King King this friday night with Bridge Theory and Crywolf. Ooohoho remember that awesome The Kinfe You Make Me Like Charity Crywolf remix? {droooool} Sounds like it’s going to be a crowd pleasing kind of night. I’m really hoping to hear Bloody Mary from Bridge Theory because I can not get enough of these bright beeping raindrops! How have they slipped under my radar for so long?


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That’s Funkedub.

I knew when I saw that Gramatik had shared an Opiuo song it was going to be Oh so sicK, but I didn’t know that I wasn’t going to be able to stop listening to these two latest tracks. Snorkle has that solid Opiuo thump, kick beat backing up some Gramatik grade funk and bright cascading beeps, doubt it could get better. They’re still retaining those delicious slippery wet sounds but have added some new interesting ones, for instance, Quack Fat has a legit Tin Cup vibe going on. I have a feeling that tonight’s show at King King is not to be missed, especially if you’ve yet to catch Opiuo live.


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Slum Love

Every now and then a song comes along that is SO gritty and SO grimy that it renders me catatonic on the floor with my face floating in a huge pool of my own drool.  I can’t get over it. Repeat for dayyyys son!!! This jam has such a beautiful flow to it, the mellow echoey beginning drifting into the hardest filth I’ve heard in a long ass time.  No build, no nothing. Talent, folks.

Thank you, Zeds Dead, for droppin this into your latest mix and gracing my ears.


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If having romantic desires for a song is a crime then I am guilty as charged. Because this is true love here folks.  I love everything about this song from it’s peppy beginning to the piano notes dropped in and dem deep gritty sexyyyy vocals (kinda feels Reggae gone seriously dirty to me) Bass kicks in and it just gets NNNnnngggghhhh!!!  Filthy! I’m going to be creepin’ on this duo from Australia probably for the rest of their lives. Apologies in advance, future best friends!!!! 🙂

Vocals by Lewis Canavan aka “Silvertongue”

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We are big fans of Phutureprimitive here at AudioMolly. His Lucid  Dreams track was one of my earliest posts, entitled String Theory (page 7 if you want to go check it out.) So obviously I’m stoked to have an interview with the man himself right before his headlining set at this Saturday’s, May 31st A~Bun~Dance at Lure, Hollywood! This time the theme is the Future, my favorite era!


First off, your music blows my mind, for reasons other than it sounds great, and to say just “music” is an understatement. Each song is a story, a taste of Déjà vu like moments in time that are still somehow yet to come, the recorded memoirs of a billion year old consciousness downloaded into a spaceship dwelling cyborg, the soundtrack of our welcoming of the coming singularity. 

Your moniker, Phutureprimitive is probably the most interesting I’ve ever heard. I feel like the current electronic music scene is a perfect specimen of Future and Primitive. We fully utilize and embrace our technological evolution and combine it with the deep need for human connection and tribal expression through dance and costume. “Phutureprimitive” fully embodies the vibe your music portrays, or vice versa. How did you come up with it? 

The name Phutureprimitive came from a love of duality, and those words convey just that. I like that the name somehow has a cinematic quality to it. I think those two words together are very intriguing. They create a framework of contrast (something I think good music also does). I think it also conveys where we’re at as a species – we’re living in the future, so to speak, but still behaving in some primitive ways.

Who are your musical influences?

I’m inspired by melodies that tickle my insides and evoke an emotional or physical reaction. I’m inspired by simplicity, by life experiences, and by the space between the notes. I’m inspired by music that creates an environment for my imagination to run wild. I’m inspired by polarity, and by music that creates a soundtrack for how I think and feel and move.

What are some of your “go to” synths for that ripping Reese like bass?

My go-to synths are Logic, Predator, Gladiator, Massive, Omnisphere, Alchemy, lots of re-sampling.

What is your favorite track that you’ve created?

I don’t have just one favorite track that I’ve created, but I do have a top 5. Elysium, Spanish Fly, Burn, Hi Rez, and Dusted Compass.

Noyice! What other topics inspire you as an artists and individual?

Having new experiences. I love to learn. Genuine connection. Nature. Technology. Spontaneity. Travel.

Same here. One last simple question; any thoughts on the future of humanity?

I think between financial collapse, peak oil, global warming, global corporations, and our diminishing fresh water supply, we’re in for a bumpy ride. But humans are also amazingly resilient. I think we’ve got a long way to go in learning how to live harmoniously, in a way that guarantees we will not only survive, but thrive, for many more years to come on this planet. I think peoples’ and nations’ beliefs often get in the way of connection and compassion. The intensity of your beliefs can sometimes equate to the strength with which you resist questioning yourself and the world around you. A little more open-mindedness will go a long way.

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview. I am over the top excited about your headlining set at A~Bun~Dance, can’t wait to dance out my demons with you! 

Thanks for the love and support, I really appreciate it. Your descriptive experience of the music was freakin’ awesome to read! Beautifully articulated.


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Feelin’ Jazzy

AHM BACK!!! I’ve barely survived the terrors of Hawaii!!!! There were many adrenaline pumping challenges such as staying behind the red rope to observe a huge lazy sea turtle lounging on the beach like a fat ass, trying not to hyperventilate while snorkeling in shallow water, and pushing the limits on how much food I can consume before bursting. Safe to say, I passed all these tests. OH! Also, cage diving with sharks, there was that too…

THEN I had to go straight to Lightning in a Bottle with Summer on important business that involved dancing in ill fitting boots til my feet were covered in delightful blisters!

Surprisingly, the real world is not as fun as Hawaii or LiB (who’da thunk?!) so I needed to ease back in and there really isn’t anything as perfect as EmiljoAC Acidation bustin out with some relaxing chill vibes, piano notes, echoey vocals and I think there’s a sexy saxophone dabbling around in there.. Def had me smiling at closing my eyes but at 2.54 it picks up a notch and just grabs you while keepin it mellow.  Perfecion!!!


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